Monday, December 21, 2009

does anyone live in belgium and how old are u?? do u like it?? do u know good clubs to go out in the night in

does anyone live in belgium and how old are u?? do u like it?? do u know good clubs to go out in the night in?
Belgium - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
fuck no
2 :
Yes I live here.No I don't like this corrupt country. Better go to the cafes not to the clubs(can be dangerous) here in Antwerp. To Freya: If you find my answer bla-bla, know what your talking about, and don't be so personal you go to far here. I try to help people with the right answer and I know really what go's on here in Belgium, I'm really Belg and I' don't come from Romania like you do, so don't accuse me from communism!!
3 :
hello there! I live in Belgium, i am 23 and i LOVE this country! Bla-bla that is corrupt are just opinions of ppl who don't get what they want here... i think they should move in an ex communist country to see how corrupt are those! I LOVE this country, it is probably one of the best i have ever known ! Yea, there are plenty of super cool clubz in Brussels!
4 :
Like in every country you will have pros and cons. It is up to you to make the best of your stay..anywhere in the world. I am a Belgian, in my 50s, but also an expatriate since more than 30 years. It is always a pleasure to come back and discover Belgium all over again because it does change quite a lot and has a lot to offer in ways of entertainment, cafés, clubs, restaurants, you name it and I am sure you can find it. Most good private clubs do not advertise. You'll get to know about them by meeting people who know about them. Never mind your age, you'll get to meet people of all ages going to the same entertainment places. Diversity makes for better fun. In Brussels a lot of the night live that goes on there happens in Uptown : ***the "Quartier du Châtelain" the neighbourhood of the Place du Châtelain/Avenue Louise/Rue du Bailli/Rue du Page/Rue de Livourne *** Quartier Louise Downtown : ***Quartier de la Grand-Place and de la "Place Sainte Catherine" = the center of Brussels ***Quartier du Sablon and de Rue Haute (near the Palais de Justice, between Uptown and Downtown Brussels) In Antwerp, it would be near the Cathedral where you'll find the action. Lots of cafés, restaurants and clubs. The best way to get to know the right places is to ask around and keep your eyes peeled to discover them by yourself. There exist some books where you can gather information e.g. The Poshiest Places to go to for Dining and Drinking, etc....The best places to be seen,.... For the other cities, I can not help you as I do not know them well enough to give you valuable info. N.B. Like in every country there is corruption (ref. to other answerers here) but you can get nearly everything done by being patient, by being polite, smiling and show your gratitude with a big thank you and a smile. This really need for corruption. Hope this helps.
5 :
age is nothing in Belgium every one mixes the night clubs are fab and you will have a ball not too sure in Antwerp know Gent and the coast better have a look here
6 :
I'm 17 and i've been living in Brussels for 15 years. If you want to go to to a night club, the best ones are: Gallerie Louise, LeYou and Nua o'reilleys. But most people go to the bars to drink. There's an english pub called Churchill's, a rock bar/hangout called Rock Classic and plenty of places around The Bourse.

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