Saturday, November 14, 2009

What definite monthly salary in Belgium for living

What definite monthly salary in Belgium for living?
Hi, i have some important question here about "cost of living in BELGIUM". Actually, they will give me 1100Euro which already deducted the ; tax, insurance, and housing. All i need to expend my daily food and transportation. my question is, can i survive on this net salary? i also prefer to save my salary for about 50% per month, is it ok?? please help.. thanks!
Belgium - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1100 euroes should be enough for you to live decently in belgium. but i don't think you will be able to save 550 euros every month.
2 :
1100€ would be no problem to get around on. some prices for cost of living are: Bread :2€ Decent Restaurant costs: 30->100€ pp McDonald's:3€ Prices of food: (ok it's in dutch, but you will still be able to recognize the product and the price, this would be of on of the major supermarkets in belgium) fuel: Diesel:1€, petrol:1,3€ , gas:0,5€ Then you come to some other costs, could be that it's included in housing, but you can expect bills from: The cable company,Electricity,Water,internet,taxes (I guess the tax you mentioned is just rsz, you will still need to pay income tax, city tax, taxes for waste pickup, water treatment,...) expect those costs to average out at about 200€ a month (without the yearly income tax) End conclusion, if you would only go to work, shopping and back home using public transport (211€ a year for all public transport, anywhere). And you would stay indoors, without internet/tv/phone,using no lights or heaters only eating bread & milk. You would be able to save 50% each month.otherwise you will dip below the 50% on several months. But 1100€ & rent& insurance is a very nice salary for most jobs.

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