Sunday, June 21, 2009

i live in Belgium and i wanna immigrate to South-Afrika am i welcom

i live in Belgium and i wanna immigrate to South-Afrika am i welcom?

South Africa - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well if you have money, you are welcome, Life is not easy,especially for whites, it is hard to find a job, cost of living is expensive and property is even more expensive, but if you have a good trade and enough money to start in a new country, or maybe even your own business,you should be ok. Yes we do have a lot of violence but so does other countries, but we do have a beautiful country and everything is available as long as you can pay for it.
2 :
I'm an African....and (for the first time ever on this forum) I speak on behalf of Africans, who are the majority, are most welcome. What Bull is saying about how Africans would receive you is far from the truth.......
3 :
You are more than welcome! welkom! Do not listen to Bull 8 he is just in a bad mood lately, and (I am speaking under correction he is immigrating to Australia in 2009). You would love it here!
4 :
Off course you are welcome.I'm not going to paint you a rosy picture and tell you that South Africa is a paradise.We have a problem with crime and also millions of illegal immigrants, so do some research before coming.Bull 8 unfortunately suffers from a perceived persecution complex so please dont take his biased views seriously.Certain South Africans will try and scare you claiming that whites are been ethnically cleansed.This is in fact completely untrue as pointed out by Zim. I dont know what your ethnicity is but it is true that there is certain employment policies in place that put whites at a certain disadvantage but it is by no means impossible for whites to find jobs.Everyone is welcome in South Africa if they have a legal right to live and work there. Two of the websites that Alf Garnett has supplied are Right wing websites.They were created by racists who are trying to portray the white man as being a victim of Genocide which is totally untrue.
5 :
Jy is welkom maar waarom ?
6 :
You can visit these site and make up your own mind about the state the former South Africa is in: http;// Of course Africans will make you very welcome until they have emptied your wallet and they will have no further use for you. Take the fool above me who works as Ronald McDonald in germany to pay off the Family Gas Bill from 1945 because he cannot get employment in South Africa. I suspect he alsi smokes doobys considering the crap he posts on this site but what can you expect from a Pinko who spends his spare time handing out sweets to little boys if they will get in his car. Marrs Attack - The one thing you Pinko liberals cannot countenance is the TRUTH so you have to invent slanders like racist etc. What the feck is wrong with being of a Conservative viewpoint? You fecking Pinkos have already fecked up most of Western Europe with your Marxism couched in euphemisms to disguise the facts. Why dont you feck off back to Africa and take some of these Gollys you love so much with you after you have paid the Family Gas Bill from 1945.
7 :
Of course your welcome, those of us living in South Africa know that it is a wonderful place with a diversity of cultures. South Africa i think has the unique ability of all the countries in the world to have so many cultures working side by side. It a great place with great weather and sure we have problems and the odd individual is an idiot but hey in general its a wonderful place and i would live no where else.
8 :
Welkom in Zuid Afrika je is
9 :
10 :
Please don't listen to miserable Alf and Bull. They are just 2 very sad boys who have stopped taking their meds. I immigrated to this country just recently and I still feel very welcome here. I found a great job and I've even made a few good friends already. The only thing that I am mad about is the fact that I haven't made the decision to move down here years ago. It simply is one of the most beautiful spots in the world. And what you hear about a government that is corrupt.... it is true. But that counts worldwide. Politics is corrupt, no matter where you live. It is not going to be easy to find a job as a white (if you are white) but if you have some special skills that are needed in this country you're better off. So come on down. If you need help with anything, just let me know....
11 :
Hey, this isn't Rwanda, you know. Here, most people don't really give a damn where you come from. So don't be discouraged! Nobody around here will stab you because you come from Belgium. (Of course, they might stab you for a cheap cellphone, but they will do so in a completely nationalist-neutral manner).

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