Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Is global warming such a bad thing

Is global warming such a bad thing?
We have been living in an ice age for about the last 2 million years. There is no geological evidence to suggest a major environmental change to stop another glacial advance other than mankind's co2 emissions. So why don't we just accept that things are going to get a little bit warmer. Sure if you live in Belgium or the Netherlands your country may shrink considerably but think about all that fertile farmland under Greenland, perhaps Antarctica could become habitable.
Earth Sciences & Geology - 35 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
How can you said global warming didn't affect, okay lets gonna like island of Hawaii to Los Angeles, huge different of air quality and water, car CO2 might not be alot but lets think how many steps needed to make a car, steel factory, rubber to make tires, plastic for the board, wood (tree), Leather etc.. this probably make more pollution thatn the car emission itself. Also you need to reliaze problem is getting a ot of worse specially in Asian. Beijing Air Quality is so bad that some Olympic Athenic said they can't handle long run there.. Go travel around the world, and you will how global warming affect, global warming issue is not like politics, because it got support from many scientist.
2 :
YES! it could end the WORLD!
3 :
u kno wat if it happens we ca all live on house boats
4 :
no soon u can sunbathe in the winter
5 :
i agree 100% with you
6 :
suure its not a bad thing if you like dying =]
7 :
omg of course its horrible
8 :
Perhaps millions of animals who live in artic areas will die and the entire eco system will crash and burn. WATCH ARTIC TALE, its a great movie.
9 :
yes it is bad flooding,loss of crops causing starvation, and I am really white i would burn easily.
10 :
umm, global warming is actually horrible. if you've ever payed attention to the news, we could have a flooding world by the time we're 50.
11 :
We have no choice, but to accept it. It's not like we can stop it ourselves. But we can slow it down. The only thing that everyone is concerned about is the fact that the ice caps are melting at a faster rate than predicted.
12 :
No its the human domination
13 :
No such thing as global warming. It is made up. We are actually in a cooling period because sun spots are not as hot as they used to be.
14 :
Well to me global warming is bad because if we litter than it gets washed away into the sewer and the fish can die. Also its bad because if we global warm then we could die.
15 :
gloabal warming is real watch an inconveanant truth it shows that it is real.
16 :
no it is not bad but we will no longer be able to wear our winter clothes and those are the best ones for covering up all my fat but maybe I will sweat that off when it is 110 everyday!!!
17 :
What happens to the big cities on the coasts of all of the continents? What about animals such as sea lions and polar bears? You certainly have not considered all of the ramifications of global warming. It will be a disaster.
18 :
Well it is bad, because as the Earth gets warmer The polar Ice Caps start melting and It is bad because that turns into water and it may flood the Earth.
19 :
Yes but while that happens many many animals will become extinct! The polar bear for instance the sea is taking longer to freeze and they are starving to death we shoudl do everything possible to stop global warming!
20 :
21 :
global warming is horrible if we keep living the way we do we will melt the polar ice caps killing innocent animals for one and two we will flood the coasts of every country and even if you don't believe it these changes that help global warming also save you money
22 :
YeS!!! there is not even no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING! Just don't waste your time wondering about it, it will never happen :)
23 :
DUH!!! if we have global warming then the atmosphere will die away. And if that happens then we will not be able to live because the atmosphere is what keeps the suns rays from effecting us. and if the atmosphere is gone either we would have no oxygenm or we would float away into space or the suns rays would kill us! so yeah global warming is important
24 :
no when you put it that way
25 :
glaciers melting = no land = no place to live.
26 :
most of these causes are not from humans....its ok nothing is really going to happen except maybe polar bears will be extinct and mabye like you said countrys will shrink...but if u really think about its not that big of a deal....DONT WORRY!
27 :
Don't worry about it,, be a kid and enjoy your youth. You are stepping into cover-ups, frauds, miscalculations,etc etc etc,,,, Don't worry be happy!
28 :
false alarm! no global warming! more like global cooling! my uncle lives in alaska! he sends us monthly newsletters! in it he said " the ice in the north have gotton so cold that the iced moved south by 10 lattitude degrees! " now how can that happen if it is global warming? 1/4 of scientist think of global warming! and that is all they talk about! the news ppl don't talk about 3/4 of scientists who say global cooling! ok? no global warming!
29 :
wow you should pay attention more, our temperature has risen only one degree and because of that we have had more hurricanes and natural disasters, its may and still winter...if your in oregon anyways..... If we don't do something soon we wont have much of the land that we have now, it wont just shink a few inches it could literally sink hundreds of feet under the ocean, you think our populace is overcrowded now what do you think will happen when all those people have to move into your area. Not to mention the fact that food will become more scarce in certian places. Wake up honey and realize it's not just a small thing, but a catastrophe waiting to happen.
30 :
Yeah dude I live in Ireland and I love my country but for 8 months of the year it's freezing and the rest is mild at best , I personally think that man has got nothing to do with global warming it's all part of the Earths natual cycle , check out this website https://www.predictweather.co.nz/#/home/
31 :
Have you seen how the coast lines would change as a result?
32 :
Global warming is not a bad thing. It's the worst thing that can ever happen to all existence. Everything will be affected especially the cycle of all living things from smallest up to the largest living creatures. It's not just about the number of fertile lands were going to have. It's more than that. Try to research more. You have so much catching up to do.
33 :
Sure, maybe after 20 or 30,000 years ecosystems will adapt to the change and we'll all love it. Unfortunately we are changing the climate much faster than it has changed in the past and many things will have a very hard time adapting. Perhaps animals can just move poleward to adjust, but things like trees don't move that fast, and they will just die. Of course if the animals depend on the forest they may just die along with it. Oh, and what about all the infrastructure we've already built? Here in California we have perpetual water shortages to look forward to, because more precipitation is falling as rain instead of snow, and we rely on the snowpack for capturing that water and giving it to us over the summer. Things are like that ALL OVER THE WORLD. We're just not ready for things to be completely different. Oh, and by the way, it's not just warming. Did you know the ocean is rapidly getting more acidic because of all the carbon dioxide it's absorbing? Most people are unaware of that consequence. Many shell-building organisms rely on a certain pH of seawater, and if the pH gets low enough, they will not be able to make shells. What would the sea be like without shells? I really don't want to know, do you? The consequences of a warming Earth will be enormous, and for sure not completely predictable. I don't really want to run this experiment with the only planet we have to live on. Who know, maybe that's what happened to the Venusians.
34 :
Global warming is actually a natural phenomenon, naturally occurring green house gases were found in ice core samples dating back to the last ice age, probably coming from Forrest fires which at that time would not have been extinguished by man, how global warming is effected by us is we are hastening the process with unnaturally occurring gases by burning fossil fuels, and releasing floral carbons like we did from sprays and air conditioning. Ice ages are a way the earth repairs itself from the damages caused by these gases. Otherwise there is nothing we can do to stop this normal cycle, we can only speed it up.
35 :
Isn't it funny (odd) how some people confuse global warming with pollution? The one is supposedly caused by the other, but the impacts are clearly different. And yes, I agree that global warming is likely to present many benefits. Why do I say this? because we have already gone through larger changes and seen benefits. Us North Americans ought to see this one as a no brainer. If you know any of the history of the populating of the continent in the 1600s and 1700s, you are aware that severe winters and shorter growing seasons were very much a problem for the early settlers. They would love the nice climates conditions we have now.

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