Saturday, July 21, 2012

is this a good idea? (question bout Belgium)

is this a good idea? (question bout Belgium)?
lol ok so I live in Belgium I'm Flemish but I really don't have a clue bout the following: I'm studying French and I'd like to study half a year in Wallonia/ France to improve my French. Owing to the political situation in Belgium I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to study in Wallonia. Will there be a lot of racism towards me cause I'm Flemish or isn't it that bad? In Flanders I do notice some racism (not much) towards Walloons. How bad is it?
Belgium - 1 Answers
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Just go and study in Wallonia. If there is any racism, its usually because one side doesn't bother to get to know the other side. Things are completely different when people get to know each other on a personal level and all the usual stereotypes disappear out the window.

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