Wednesday, August 1, 2012

i would like information about belgium please

i would like information about belgium please?
well i have planned to go to live in belgium within two months.. i just wanted to know how much does a worker get paid in a normal shop as i have not got so much experience only working in a clothes shop for 2 years and i am 20 years old. is it ok if i only talk spanish and english? and how is the life over there would it be easy for me to settle there? how much does a small estudio (room) cost to stay for a month and etc. the reason i want to go is beacuse i see no future in spain and it is also good becuase i can learn more languages. please give me all the information you can i will appretiate it thank you
Belgium - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well, if you want to live and work in Belgium you'll have to learn Dutch or French, this is not an option but a necessity to be able to immigrate (there are lesson you can take that are organized by the government so finding them is no problem). Only english en spanish would maybe be possible in Brussels, but in most other places it would be hard to find work in a store. Prices for a room vary wildly between the dutch and the french part (as do paychecks). But in the dutch part it ranges from 200€ to 500€ depending on location and comfort level. How's life? Well apart from the weather that usually sucks i think it's a good place to live, we have good schooling, great health care and most of the Belgians are open minded and tolerant about foreigners. But this also depends on where in Belgium you plan to end up.
2 :
my friend is working in a shop in belgium(brussels) and she gets something round E800 as it's illegal. she speaks french well, but didn't at the time that she was hired. also, if you get that job, or just looking for one, don't say you are there for 2 months only. if they hire you even legally they want ppl to stay with them longer! my friend has her place(for two rooms she has to pay about E600 and she also works extra hours cleaning and babysitting, so she gets more money. oh, and she lives in schaerbeek, which is cheape
3 :
You should check on the Eures website for conditions of employment in your trade. Also make sure that you have (understandable) documents from your former employer(s) stating how many days you have worked and how much you were paid. You will also need to prove that you lost your last job unvoluntarily. In that case, you might be able to claim unemployment benefits in Belgium. Websites are (wallonia); (flanders) and (brussels). All have links with Eures. Also remember to bring proof of affiliation with the Spanish social services (medical benefits) since this will open your rights to medical aid without having to wait for 6 months. Good luck.

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