Saturday, July 14, 2012

How can I get my fiance to live with me in the US Please HELP

How can I get my fiance to live with me in the US Please HELP?!?
ok we met back home. we felt in love for each other. he lives in Belgium and I live in the US. I have a GC and I did file for my US Citizen. My Q is can we get married in my country. then I can moved to stay with him in Belgium until I get my citizenship then apply for him after I get my US citizen. or he can keep visiting me everyother 6 months. until his pepper get proves
Immigration - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Since you are on a green card, an extended absence can constitute abandonment of your residency. No citizenship. Start from scratch if you change your mind in the future. After you become a citizen, you can apply for a fiance visa if you plan to marry. You will need to prove that it is a long-term, committed, "till death do us part" relationship. And you must prove you have sufficient income and assets to support him and guarantee a $30,000 bond. It takes about a year. If approved, he can enter the US, you have 90 days to marry and file for his spousal visa. He can probably remain in the US while that application is pending. On the other hand, you're Belgian, he's Belgian. Assuming he has a job in Belgium. Why don't you both live and work in Belgium without the expense and hassles? Plenty of Americans would give their eyeteeth to be able to live in Belgium -- nice place.
2 :
you have to get your citizenship first b-4 you apply for anything.
3 :
You keep asking the same question, but the answers can't change. If you really want to get a definitive answer, consult an immigration attorney, but you'll still get the same response. You can't file for a fiance as a green card holder. If you move to Belgium before you become a US ciitzen, you won't get your citizenship. They don't do naturalization overseas except for active soldiers and their spouses. If you're out of the US for over 6 months, you'll mess up your chances to get citizenship. So, unless your fiance can find some status of his own to come here, and people have given you a number of suggestions, you're stuck for the moment. If you did marry him now, you could file an F2a petition for him in the US, but it would take 5 years before it was valid for use. If you became a US citizen, that would upgrade the petition to an IR-1 which would be valid immediately. If you end up doing that, be sure to tell USCIS about your petition so they can act on it.
4 :
I would suggest you to petition of a fiance visa and get marry once your partner is here. I believe the process might be longer if you do it back there. Taking in consideration that you are not a US citizen yet, that means that it would take you even longer. I would advise you to wait to do this until you officially become a citizen, once you are naturalized, the process takes so much shorter. Good luck.

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