Monday, March 1, 2010

Hi, I'm 13 years old, live in Belgium and i have a question about hockey..?
Yesterday i received my hockey stats, based on a hockey exam, i had 80 out of 100, i was in the top 3 of my team, (and everyone in my team is older then me). So, i was thinking about going to America when I'm 16 or 18. To go to some kind of ''hockey School'' where i can stay for the year and go back home in the summer. i think i do have the potential to be a pretty good hockey player when i get older, but i wanna proof myself in America (Usa or Canada) Because that's the place where all the scouts are, so what should i do? sorry for my bad English. Wow, you guys sure love Belgian waffles!
Hockey - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
first dot let the idiots on this site this site tell you what you can or can not do like patrick dave or others if you have this dream shoot for it cuz you know what if they told every one that they are not good and they listened there would be no hockey players so just practice hard and we will see you in 3 to 5 years
2 :
I owuld find out about the schools you might be interested in them and check out theor webgsites. That might tell you about lodging. You might be able to live with an American family, too. So, find the schools and go form there! Good luck! There are elite hockey schools in Sweden, too. Since you already are great at English coming here would probably be your best bet. Good luck! PS Your English is great!
3 :
Well if you're good like you say you are you can come over to NA in play in the QMJ, the OHL, or the WHL. That's your best bet for good hockey. You live with a family, play hockey, it's the life. You could also consider prep school prob in Massachusetts. You could even play for like a JR B team somewhere in the states, and if you're good you'll get noticed. Maybe get a shot at Jr A in canada...Get Drafted, work your way up through the system.
4 :
1. If you're talking about High School somewhere in Minnesota or Michigan. 2. If you're talking about College either Michigan State or Michigan. Other good hockey schools are Maine, Wisconsin, and Boston College. 3. Go make me some Belgian waffles...
5 :
if your as good as you say you are, and you believe that can can compete in the U.S or Canada. You should try making one of the Euro selects hockey teams, they do prospects tournaments in the U.S and Canada and are a good way to get exposure. as for high school the top being Shuttack in the U.S and then prep schools on the east coast. The best option would be trying to make a AAA team In the U.S. the best teams are Usually in Detroit or Chicago, As for AAA in canada im not sure how many Euro players come over and play there.
6 :
I'll let you sleep in my basement for a year or two if you remember me when you're in the NHL. Actually, I'll let you sleep in my basement for a year or two if you just make me Belgian waffles every now and then.
7 :
Hi! It's me again. Canadian Hockey Schools are the best in the world. You can google "Hockey Schools in Canada" and find several good boarding schools. Here's a link that is very good. Good Luck, Hugs!!!

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