Monday, September 21, 2009

What should an American mother do if her little girl wants to live in Belgium with her Belgium father

What should an American mother do if her little girl wants to live in Belgium with her Belgium father?
What should an American mother do if her little girl wants to live in with her Belgium father in Belgium and wants to attend Dutch language schools even do she wants to read and write English and be the only the only child in her class (elementary school) that speaks English in addition to Dutch. She say that she does not want to more Americanized than most Belgium children, but still wants to be US citizen in addition to being a Belgium citizen and show respect to American institutions and culture. She still wants to visit her family in America every year and want her American mother to live in Belgium with or close to her father so she can see both parents. She basicaly does not like living in America but does in Belgium
Parenting - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Aren't that Belgium and America on the same earth? Let her live in Belgium, then. Even if she someday decides she'd prefer being a Belgium instead of an American, it is ok, too.
2 :
Ask yourself what is best for the child? You can't be selfish if it means she'll get a better education and a better life. I know its a tough one, but ask yourself why you're against it. Is it because you just don't want her to go or because she will be in danger? And she can live there. Her father is there and he will need to have the proper paperwork to document her being there. Some countries allow dual citizenship so check into it.
3 :
you don't always have to appease your kids all the time if you feel uncomfortable with the situation or like living here then explain to her why you feel that way and be honest with her ask her the real reason why she dont like living here if its a situation with a bully in school or something they have bullies over there too whats so different and better for her there thats the question i hope i have helped
4 :
How old is the child? What are her reasons to go to Belgium? To bond with dad? Is there any way you can move there to live near her? I'm sure this is a very difficult decision - my children wanted to live with their dad out of state at different times and it's heartwrenching. How can you still be part of her life if she makes this choice? Again, it all depends on her age, her relationship with dad, whether she's lived there recently and whether it's just a vague interest to please dad or a true want to live elsewhere. When I finally let my daughter move, she ended up coming back 3 weeks later. It was such a relief. Should she have chosen to stay, I believe I would have moved. Good luck to you, it's not an easy decision.
5 :
You should've thought about this before she was even conceived. Finishing her schooling in Belgium will be good for her. It'll give her a more rounded outlook on life and society. She'll turn out less naïve than most people. Hopefully, she'll realize sooner rather than later that America is the better country. If she were my child, I'd want her going to French-language schools because French is Belgium's original language in the same way that English is the USA's original language, as opposed to Spanish.

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