Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm from south Africa living in Belgium and i find out that people from Europe they think the best of us

I'm from south Africa living in Belgium and i find out that people from Europe they think the best of us?
so my question is what are we doing to keep up with the posetive energy and to make south africa as whole beautiful and clean not only the city but every where
South Africa - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Actually, not much. Most public service sectors have been on the decline in the last 10 years and there are no signs of anything improving, only the contrary. The government´s stance on AIDS and crime in SA has been criminal and has only served to compound the situation. There are also numerous SA citizens in denial about South African society, and this only plays into the hands of the ANC agenda - if you criticise us you are racist/un-patriotic or must just leave the country. And if you leave you are a coward. Beauty can be skin deep, and SA is starting to shed some layers of skin that have been covering the gross government incompetencies and degradation of a society. This is becoming all the more obvious to citizens and visitors alike, many of whom have been attacked at main tourist hot spots. Things can still change but not with the current policies and regime, and the "head in the ground" trend of some denialist South Africans.
2 :
It is fantastic that Belgium is so welcoming to accept S African people and resources. Start fresh in Antwerp or Brussels. Soon S Africa will be like Zimbabwe, but better...
3 :
I try to keep up the positive energy by keeping an optimistic outlook, being friendly to everyone and only talking behind their back once they are out of the room. It's the little things that count.
4 :
of course they'd think the best. they've believed the propoganda the anc has been spreading.
5 :
Yes there are a lot of misguided liberal Europeans who have swallowed the ANC version of history. They soon change their minds when they spend some time in South Africa,
6 :
There isn´t much news of SA filtering into this side of the world, so most of it comes from the tourists. And, quite a few have had very positive experiences. So, its word of mouth, I reckon. And we haven´t landed up like Zimbabwe (yet!) The fact that the Apartheid against blacks has gone, gives them the impression that all is milk and honey in SA. And we haven´t landed up like Zimbabwe (yet!)

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