Friday, December 14, 2012

how can i seem like an anarchist without smoking

how can i seem like an anarchist without smoking?
i've always kind of been seen as cool and broody and stuff, but i've been smoking. now i've decided to quit. also weed and smoking shisha. i live in belgium, but there the drinking age is 16 and so is clubbing, so drinking and clubbing is seen as quite ordinary. how can i be different?
Other - Society & Culture - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's good that you've quit. I think you should be an individual your way. Do the things you like to do. Trying to be different isn't going to help. Trust me, anything you try has been done a thousand times already. -Yea I was no help. Sorry about that.
2 :
why would you quit weed. its so awsome. well. if you wanna be an anarchist. CAUSE ANARCHY!
3 :
Here's a novel idea. Instead of worrying about "seeming" more like an anarchist, how about you try genuinely believing in it first? It's admirable that you're quitting smoking, but seriously, people who go around claiming to be anarchists just look like tools. You live with comforts in your daily life that wouldn't even be possible if you lived under your supposedly preferred system of anarchy. You live in relative safety; the police & other emergency services are always a phone call away. The electricity you use to power this computer is regulated by the government, as was the construction of the computer (can't have them blowing up, now can we?) Also, the safety of the food you eat every day is government-regulated. You drive on roads that were constructed by the government...the list just goes on. I really think that as a young person you DO need to become more politically involved, but I think that if you do, you'll see that the so-called "anarchists" really just call themselves that to make Mommy and Daddy's hair turn grey a little bit faster.
4 :
Go to a senate meetin with a gun kill everybody inside. You'll surely be on worldwide TV. It has not been doen before. Your name will be immortal.
5 :
Fight against drinking and drugs and the young age at which it is allowed.

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