Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is Belgium really that terrible to people who visit from abroad

Is Belgium really that terrible to people who visit from abroad?
I just read some answers to the question whether Belgium was underrated as a country and I couldn't believe some of the stuff I read there. One guy thought Belgium was a city, another pointed out that there's "weird stuff" happening in Belgium at the moment... What's that about? Just because it's a small country doesn't mean we're not civil. I wouldn't really call the hostage situations or young people shooting their class mates at school in for example the US normal either, or is that just me? Just felt like venting here and asking for some opinions, because I happen to live in Belgium (: x
Belgium - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I've never been there but I'm going this year. I've seen travel shows and it looks magnificent. I can't wait.
2 :
I always found Belgium a nice place to travel, never had any problems. Being Dutch I can get by with my own language in about half the country and I am willing to make a fool of myself in the French speaking part, and find the people willing to help me when they see that I do make an effort. Only Brussels could not attract me much, but that might have been my mood rather than the town itself. I can and often do tell people to take Belgium as part of their trip, or even as main destination.
3 :
hi penguin, don't bother about people who think belgium is a city - you can't be serious about them ;-) i've been living here for most of my life (lived in africa for some years) and i got to appreciate everything we have here. sure, it's not perfect. people can wonder about our political leaders (but are they any better abroad?) and the flemish-walloon coexistence is not simple, but at least we don't go around killing each other like in some other european countries over the past few years. we have a huge cultural background, a great part of european history was made here, we have people wanting to share the european dream, we are an understanding, multicultural community (even if some want to put it in a different view, but that's a minority i like to think), we enjoy life, we like eating and drinking, ... i've had friends from abroad visiting on different occasions and they always were thrilled by our country, our people, our way of live. so don't worry, we may not be perfect, but who is?
4 :
Hmm, I understand very well your point here.Belgium is a country a very small dot in the world. Well, visitors (meaning tourists) are very welcome here in Belgium. There's a lot to see when you like the Arts and like good food and drinks(the beers are good not the tap water). To life here it's no good at all, see the news read the papers, Belgium is full with scandals and economics are terrible, they call it recession it's more close to a depression, banks are frauding and grab peoples money and the headman of that bank got a golden handshake etc...
5 :
I've lived my whole life in Belgium and moved 4 years ago to San Diego,CA (USA) and I must say that the people are a lot more sincere, honest and nicer to people from abroad in Belgium than in the US...sorry, SoCal...I can't speak for the whole US I guess. The biggest thing that sucks big time about Belgium, is the weather. If Belgium had the same weather as SoCal, I would move back instandly !!!! Have fun in Belgium !!! xx..
6 :
That moron who wrote about weird stuff in Belgium should perhaps take a look at the way the LAPD handles black people, hispanics and asiatics, and the quantities of proven unnecessary police brutality. Not to mention drugs on every street corner and high school killers every week. If that ain't weird I do not know what is.
7 :
In every country you have weird people. In every country you have killers and lovers In every country you have thieves and mercenaries In every country you have liers and dreamers you will always have believers and non believers
8 :
Belgium is not a class society, it is an elitist society. It's a place of keeping up apppearances. Where you have the legal obligation to keep the pavement clean in front of your house. Where people queue by number because they are not civilized enough to queue without. Where what you have defines who you are and what you have done defines what you will do. It's a country of monopolies, friends politics and corruption. It's a country of repression and inbred shame. It's a country where people educate their children the catholic way because it is how the family does it. It a country where the skill of a tradesperson is measured by their diploma and the size of their work van. It's a country full of judgement and prejudice. It's a country where people jump to conclusions. Like ... did anyone mention that Belgians are not nice to visitors from abroad? How do you know that the person who thinks Belgium is a city is a guy? Cause the other one that pointed out 'weird' stuff certainly wasn't, as it was me and me is a she ... Neither should you compare atrocities. We have Kim Gelders, Dutroux to name a couple. And remember the top brass in Gent that fiddled it to get away with drink driving? The original question was wether Belgium was underrated ... My answer was that it's overrated Church and state education are seperate. Bless the liberals or we would be living in a papal state. EDIT Judgement and prejudice from Dr. House too :-) You shouldn't jump to conclusions either. In the Southeast they would say you shooting yourself in the foot. Mrs. Bucket does it all the time. I am not American. Matter a fact am an expat that returned because I refuse to be any longer a refugee of my own country. Medically they call it exposure therapy. Like I said before ... bless the Liberals or we'd be living in a papal state.
9 :
Yes, it is. Ik hoef geen Vlamingen.

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