Saturday, April 14, 2012

Would you as an American woman be willing to marry this Belgium citizen who became a naturalized US citizen

Would you as an American woman be willing to marry this Belgium citizen who became a naturalized US citizen?
Would a woman still have more children with her ex husband? Marriage failed and he is en excellent father he was never abusive, and lets children live with you it that is what you want as long as he can see them every day, and he pays child support on time always? Is this common for a mother to do this She lets children live with there father who has a wife that loves the kids as her own and Would you as an American woman be willing to marry this Belgium citizen who became a naturalized US citizen? Would you as an American woman be willing to marry a Belgium citizen who became a naturalized US citizen? He will make you move to Belgium and became a naturalized Belgium citizen and you will have to learn his native language Dutch? You will have to sign a prenuptial agreement prepared by international divorce lawyer that says that if you divorce him and move back to US or any country besides Belgium any children you have will have to remain in Belgium? Grace Kelly the American woman who is the mother of the current ruler of Monaco had to sign a similar agreement when she married her husband the former ruler of Monaco? Also any children you have will be dual Belgium/US nationals and will have a US consular of birth report and must use US passport by US federal law to enter US, they will have to live in Belgium and attend K to 12 grades and will have to be bilingual in Dutch and English at the same time? They will be raised so they are in de facto Belgium no different than average Belgium children (not more Americanized then average Belgium Children), they or only de jure American, and the US is a foreign country to them, just like any other Belgium child? This would be no different than the children of Grace Kelly, who are not Americans, but have claim to US Citizen Ship (they may also they a US consular of birth report or not, I donĂ¢€™t know)? They will be able to visit US as a tourist only? Woman gets the following out of the deal? Belgium has socialized medicine every has medical insurance by law, those who cannot effort it get provide by government at tax payers expense? The US is a horrible place to raise children under Belgium standards? Scandinavia and Luxemburg are the only countries in the world that has better welfare system than Belgium? US is the worst of the first world? Top 3 paragraphs are mine mistake and can you please ignore them?
Marriage & Divorce - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No I love my fiancee and this is too much rules to read for some hypothetical man
2 :
you just asked this question...No NO and NO What's in it for us!?
3 :
you are really mixed up. are you in for love or social welfare? get a life.
4 :
rFirst off most Americans saw Grace Kelly as a trader to this country she gave up fame her family and everything she once believed in and for what a fat ugly man who's only attributes was a title and money. She was happy for a little while but then she realized how trapped she was and she was so depressed. I think any woman who signs such a paper is out of her mind just like Grace Kelly was at the time.Her daughters were an embarrassment to her. Are you an American yourself if not then how would you know that the US is a horrible place to raise children. That has got to be the most dumbest remark anyone could make. You are very Anti American so anything you say goes in one ear and out the other.

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