Sunday, April 1, 2012

What school should I choose if I want to make games later on

What school should I choose if I want to make games later on?
Ah, first of all; I live in Belgium So, my problem is that later on I want to be part of the gaming industry, but the problem is in what in the nine levels of hell I should study?! Which school, which subjects.. I, atm am 16years, so it'll be my 5th, 6th years and than probably the university.. Also I atm am in ASO: Wetenschappen (general secondary education; sciences) Please help me out, Elfen
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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If you look on the VDAB website for jobs it will tell you what diplomas are needed. I found these: Progammeur: » Hoger onderwijs van 1 cyclus (HO1C - voorheen korte type) » Techniek » Informatica » Graduaat Handelswet. en bedrijfskunde: Toegepaste informatica » Professionele bachelor » Informatica Java programmeur: » Professionele bachelor » Informatica Java developer: Professionele bachelor » Informatica » Bach. i/d toegepaste informatica » Hoger onderwijs van 1 cyclus (HO1C - voorheen korte type) » Techniek » Informatica » Graduaat Handelswet. en bedrijfskunde: Toegepaste informatica Software ontwikkelaar: » Licentiaten Universitair onderwijs » Wetenschappen - Toegepaste wetenschappen (burgerlijk ingenieur) » Toegepaste wetenschappen (burgerlijk ingenieur) » Hobu basisopleiding 2 cycli (HO2C - voorheen lange type) » Industiële wetenschappen en technologie (industrieel ingenieur) » Informatica For more have a look on the VDAB website yourself as really I know little about computers and even less about programming but I do know that in Belgium you need a diploma for anything. But at least you are in the right stream... :-)

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