Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will it be hard for me to learn French

Will it be hard for me to learn French?
I speak two languages dutch and english. And i am really motivated to learn French. Is it hard to learn the language? I am planning to live in Belgium for a while, do you think that will be better to learn the language correctly. Merci beaucoup.
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You're motivated and you'll live in a French speaking country, unless you're moving to the flamish part=perfect recipe! French is harder thqn English in terms of grammar, but very regular and many words are similar to English words. You'll be grand!
2 :
The language shouldn't be hard if you're really that motivated - if you are, then to overcome the obstacle concerning difficulty shouldn't be difficult. As you are living in Belgium, which uses a different dialect to National French (spoken/used in France), my advice would be to learn National French, and then, when fluent enough, go to Belgium and be ready to adjust accordingly to fit in to the Belgian lifestyle. One noted different, for example: Quatre-Vingt-Dix is the number 90 in National French, but in Belgium, 90 is Nonante (I think this is the spelling, but I could be wrong there. The pronounciation is the same, though).
3 :
That's a good idea indeed. But take care, Belgian French is little different than Standard Parisian. If you take that into account and being a Dutch-speaker (Netherlands?), living in Brussels will be a good option, since it's bilingual (although French is lingua franca); If you have already some notions of the language, you'll pick it up quite quickly, if not it's recommendable to take a good course. That way you'll learn it quick and without grammatical mistakes that you'll inevitably will pick up learning the language on the street. Good luck and welcome to my country

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