Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What books are you suggesting me as a 17 year old girl

What books are you suggesting me as a 17 year old girl ?
I really love books but i live in belgium so all the books i buy it's online so i don't have options. I've just turned 17 but my brain is older i think :p I like Stephenie Meyer books but also books like from Sarah Dessen, Curtis Sittenfeld, Jane Austen,... I like romance but not too much. Reality but i can handle a bit fantasy... And also i love books that are like life lessons. Please, let me hear your suggestions ::) Thanks.
Books & Authors - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffeneger It's beautifully written and well known, so I assume it shouldn't be too hard to purchase in Belgium.
2 :
My Girlfriend likes Alice Sebold, "Lovely Bones." John Ajvide Lindqvist, "Let the Right one In." Stephen Chobsky, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." She is 19 and Likes the same authors as you so you'll probably like those books.. she Really enjoyed Lovely Bones. I like James Patterson Series... "Along Came a Spider" (The Cross Series) and the Women's Murder Mystery Club Series. Hope this helps you :)
3 :
how bout trying a different genre?i loke how you say your brain is older than 17.maybe its time to start looking into your future and read books that will give you a direction into the career you wanna embark on. i'm 20yrs old and personally i've been reading financial literacy books cause i wanna become a hot-shot business moghul.give those a shot. i'd suggest you start with 'rich dad poor dad' books.very easy reading and you can carry on from there.even if you dont want to be involved in a business related career, i think its important to improve your financial literacy as well as look into investing to generate residual income
4 :
Dear, As you love realistic writers, I would like to suggest you to read George Bernard Shaw. Shakespeare can provide you fantcy along with realitic touch of real life. Charles Dicken novels are world famous as realistic novels but are little bit hard to digest because it is totally realisti picture of life. I also love to read so you please suggest me the book which you have read or will read in every week. Bhadru Magan 00971 50 1267043
5 :
Looking for Alibrandi- Melina Marchetta Atonement- Ian McEwan Catcher in the Rye- J.D Salinger 100 Days of Solitude- Gabriel Garcia Marquez Little Women- Louisa May Alcott Animal Farm- George Orwell Get back to me on your thoughts :)
6 :
Twilight haha
7 :
Did you read The Princess Bride by William Goldman? I would recommend that, and if you liked it you should read Don Quixote by Cervantes.
8 :
Funny you should mention "life" lessons. As a writer, I use my own life experiences as building blocks for my many books--giving my characters bits and pieces of me and fashioning a movie-like world in which to plant them in. I know it sounds strange, but I couldn't see myself writing books that had no length or depth. (If you'll pardon the pun.) For example, my novel, The Starchild, uses some bits and pieces of my own life growing up as a teenager. The main character--Isis McGowan--is strong-willed, independent, but has issues with authority figures and can be stubborn at times because she believes that she's right. She also is growing up with a father figure because her dad was unjustly imprisoned for an incident that was out of his control. I--myself--never had a father figure. I always had to grow up at the seat of my pants. My real dad passed away almost 6 years ago--and I never got a second chance to see him in person. To show him the kind of son I had grown up to be. But I did manage to talk to him once--many years ago. And that's something I'll always remember. But the 1200-page book does have some life lessons about responsibility, growing up under unique circumstances, and taking charge of things when nobody else will. Another of my books, The Price of Freedom, was a bit of a challenge for me. After I wrote a partial piece of the novel, I really wanted to go back and explore the romance angle of the novel between both of my characters--one human and the other, an artificial construct made out of an advanced form of nanotechnology. But I was having trouble trying to figure out *what* I wanted. I didn't want a carbon-copy romance cliche piece: Where the guy gets the girl and vice-versa in some of kind "destiny-filled" run-on plot that would make even my stomach hurl on command. :0) Nope. I wanted something that had some realism in it. Something some people could relate to. So... I based my two characters' relationship on my 8-year marriage--using myself and my wife as a template: Incorporating all the ups and downs in a relationship that I could think of, while preserving the romance aspect of it. I didn't want them to "fall" in love like "love at first sight" and all that, but fall in love over something that transcends human companionship. At the same time, I didn't want the relationship they were getting themselves into to be *perfect* in every way. Both Kenneth and Kayla (the names I chose) often are at odds with one another of some issues, they do tend to fight--and believe me: It's not something you want to be mixed up in personally. :0) However, they've learned to love one another not based on gratuitous sex and all that, but because they want to be together out of love and companionship. Just like me and my wife does. Both my books are well-written and provide a lot of life lessons which I hope that future readers will come to appreciate. Not because I'm a skilled writer, but because I believe that reading should impart some of the things some of us have either forgotten out of growth, or just haven't been able to connect well on in past experience. If you're interested in reading what I have to offer, my e-mail is:
9 :
Nokosee: Rise of the New Seminole by Micco Mann is "Into the Wild" via a 17 year old girl lost in the Everglades. Her "voice" has been described as a modern fem's Holden Caulfield. Lots of adventure, action, a little violence and romance (not necessarily at the same time) all set against an eco-terrorist plot to reclaim south Florida for the "New Seminole." You can read the opening 2 chapters for free at Just paste the title into the search bar. When that page comes up, click the title to see all the chapters in the book. If you like it, you can buy it as a download or traditional book. Pretty cool.
10 :
I love Meg Cabot (Heather Wells [upcoming movie]& Queen of Babble [upcoming movie], and tons of others), Sophie Kinsella's (AKA: Madeleine Wickham) (Shopaholic [movie based on her books] & Remember Me), Jennifer Weiner (Good in Bed & Certain Girls), Jane Green (Mr. Maybe) and Emily Giffin (Something Borrowed & Something Blue) books.They are all great authors! For a young adult/teen Meg Cabot's young adult books. She is the best author. Also best selling. She wrote tons of books including the Princess Diaries (Movies based on her books), Mediator (upcoming movie), 1-800-Missing (TV show based on her books), All-American Girl (up coming movie), Jinx, Airhead and more. She has adult books too, so you can grow with her. If you want more info or any of the authors website's email me. whatshouldIreadnext (dot) com This website will make perfect suggestions based on what you have read.
11 :
The Hunger Games are awesome! They have a little romance and a lot of cool action. Read the review! Also read my article about the best fantasy series. It's about a bunch of cool books. :)
12 :
I honestly think you should try books by Judith McNaught. You just get so absorbed in her books, you kind of escape from reality until you finish them. They truly are remarkable that words can't even describe them. I've also read books by Stephanie Meyer and Sarah Dessen and I defiantly think Judith McNaught tops them both! Trust me, once you start reading her books you'll understand. Try her books Paradise and Perfect than if you like those, try her historical romances like Whitney, my love and Almost Heaven. I hope I helped :)

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