Saturday, May 1, 2010

Netherlands or belgium? wanna live in either one

Netherlands or belgium? wanna live in either one?
ive always loved both but i cant decide whether to live in the netherlands or flanders (dutch part of belgium) which one is cheaper for a house, cost of living and taxation? and which one would be best for my children to go to school and medical facilities? i know both are beautiful but which one is nicer for expat? i only speak english and would like to learn dutch but which one is better for a beginner to start learning? im from ireland so i am an EU national so i can go to either one whenever i want thats not a problem please answer my question
Belgium - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It rather depends on where you are from.
2 :
If you are not an EU national, you won't be moving to either of them any time soon. Do a search on Yahoo Answers for past answers on non-EU nationals moving to EU countries. If you are an EU national, start comparing prices, and start learning Dutch. Bear in mind that ABN (Dutch Dutch) will only get you so far in Flanders.
3 :
For learning Dutch you are probably better off in NL as many in Flandres speak dialect and would rather speak English to you then switch to AN (algemeen nederlands). I'm one of them... Belgium is a stick in the mud for work. There is next to no casual work which is to do with employment legislation above anything else. You will also need a diploma to get half a decent job, same goes for Holland but there is casual work. Holland has excellent social housing and depending where you live you could get a decent housing association house within less than 5 years (you need to register on a waiting list, ask in NL section for more info) To buy in Holland is out of reach for most, in Belgium house prices have shot through the roof too but still affordable in many areas. Renting is pot luck with many dodgy landlords about. Schools... being a catchment area refuge myself... I prefer Belgium schools. My child is in a (subsidized) Freinet school and they tend to do things slightly different than the mainstream schools (gemeenschaponderwijs). Word on the street is that the catholic schools are the best but indoctrination of my child is not a price I'm prepared to pay. Steiner schools are another alternative and being heavily subsidized you pay next to nothing compared to the UK. In Flemish schools there is compulsory French from the age of 10, in Holland there is sexual education for 5-year olds. Neither country has a watershed when it comes to television NL is dearer fro health insurance and I believe dearer for taxes. Higest tax rate is NL is something like 60%. Medical facilities is probably the same but the cost of health care in NL is higher I believe. I live in Flandres but the bulk of my shopping is done in NL. The offers are better and the VAT rates are lower on many things. Go to somewhere like IKEA and it makes a big difference. Which ones is nicer depends on the ex-pat. I was born in one and lived in the other in my teens. If you're a middle-classer that likes flashing what you got whilst keeping up with the Jones's go for Belgium. If you prefer straight forward people that are down-to-earth go with NL anyday. Good luck deciding...
4 :
You only speak English? Wake up and smell the Coffee! In Flanders and Holland almost all job descriptions require 4 languages. And you are giving yourself the luxury of deciding which would be better Flanders or Holland! Another detail which you seem to ignore: Flanders is Roman Catholic The Netherlands are strictly Calvinistic.
5 :
I think it's cheaper in Flanders than the Netherlands. To learn Dutch, you'll be good in both since you'll learn in an institution, or even from people in the street, doesn't matter. However people in Belgium speak Flemish, which is basically Dutch, but a tiny bit different, lol.

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