Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Special Olympians travel to Belgium

Special Olympians travel to Belgium

A Special Olympics Isle of Man team consisting of 17 athletes arrive in Antwerp, Belgium today to take part in the 2014 Special Olympics European Games. The Manx contingent will compete in athletics, aquatics, bocce, badminton, cycling and gymnastics at ...

England's young stars must take inspiration from Argentina's World Cup celebration after beating Belgium and see that they too can be heroes to their nation

That's Sergio Aguero you can see skipping - and skipping really is the only word for it - around the dressing room as Argentina players celebrate after beating Belgium in the World Cup. The song they are singing is their fans' anthem, 'Brasil, decirme que ...

Belgium are favourites, Totti taught me a lot – Pjanic

The 24-year-old has become one of the top central midfielders on the planet at Roma, but he is keen to play down Bosnia's chances of dominance in Euro 2016 qualification Miralem Pjanic believes that Bosnia and Herzgovina are lagging behind Group B ...

Belgium man faces heroin charges

A 36-year-old Belgium man has been charged by the Ozaukee County District Attorney with five felonies and one misdemeanor for allegedly selling heroin in the presence of young children. Robin Eversmann faces more than 31 years in prison if convicted of ...

In this weeks update.... 8th September - potato harvest this coming Friday (12th) from 12 noon

Our latest news for September 8th 2014 http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3115fe31da281e234eed8a9d5&id=dfcaf8e53d In this weeks update.... Produce this week Planting and harvest sessions Guardian article on struggles and rewards of local food - The Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm Communigrow Logos Case st ...

Masterclass: Kilchoman European Tour 2014

TastToe, 3 september 2014 Kilchoman sends out his sons during September. George and James Wills are giving a number of masterclass through Europe. While I'm writing this, there brothers are touring The Netherlands in their Land Rover loaded with whisky, funny anecdotes and inside information on the ...

Attractions before breakfast?

This is a belated posting. By some lucky coincidence I was in Brussels on the same weekend as the Festival of Belgian Beers. Needless to say, writing a blog was not the priority. That said, I did get out to see what the city had to offer in the early morning. I was keen to see if tourist attractions ...

Dateline Movie Event: Bringing Families Together Through Cine Europa 17

Now on its 17th year, Cine Europa returns this year with the central theme focusing on the family. According to EU Delegation Political Counselor Julian Vasallo, although much has changed in the aspect of family in the European community during the last couple of years, the bond between each member ...

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