Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Belgium's Flanders decides to donate 250K euros to fight Ebola virus

Belgium's Flanders decides to donate 250K euros to fight Ebola virus

BRUSSELS, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- The northern Flanders region of Belgium has decided to grant an emergency aid of 250,000 euros to help with the global fight against the Ebola virus, local media reported on Wednesday. Flemish Minister President Geert ...

Rwanda: Acquitted Rwandan General to Go to Belgium

Arusha — Belgium has granted a visa to former Rwandan gendarmerie boss Augustin Ndindiliyimana, who was acquitted of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Hirondelle learned on Wednesday. "General Ndindiliyimana has obtained ...

Belgium seeks to boost tourist arrivals

Brussels: Belgium, known more for its diamond cutting industry and chocolates, is trying to win over more tourists and compete against its European neighbours on equal terms. Currently, intra-European visitors make up a sizable share of the arrival numbers ...

Tom Mortier sues Belgium, euthanasia laws after mother killed and family not informed

A man is seeking legal action, taking Belgium to Europe’s high court, after doctors euthanized his mother and did not notify him until the next day. Tom Mortier, a long time critic of Belguim’s euthanansia laws, claims that his mother, Godelieva De ...

Belgium Agrees To Euthanize Man Convicted Of Murder, Rape

In a country whose laws don’t allow for the death penalty, the case of a Belgian man who sees himself as a threat to society — and wants to die — is putting new focus on Belgium’s health care and justice system, as well as its laws allowing euthanasia.

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We use high quality equipment and materials to produce counterfeit documents. All secret features of real passports are carefully duplicated for our falsified documents.we are unique producer of quality fake and Real documents.We offer only original high-quality fake passports, driver's licenses, ID ...

All done and dusted...

The significant lack of blogging at the cloth shed has been due to work, Miss Ottie and the above. Big apologies... Safe to say though, we are finally done after 4 years of extremely hard graft. Looking back at the old photos it is hard to believe it is the same house. The rare 'wrestler' roof is ha ...


Yeah, it’s about two months ago I discovered this community, and I’m still amazed that such a place actually exists! I’ve been reading up those past months going through older and new posts, and I’m just loving it. Delightful posts to read! Hope this post is allowed, if not feel free to delete (or a ...

Toil and Trouble in the United Kingdom: Why Scotland Won’t Be Europe’s Last Region to Seek Independence

By: Fiona Hill and Jeremy Shapiro On September 18, the people of Scotland will decide whether they wish to remain in the United Kingdom. As the referendum approaches, public attention has focused mostly on the implications of the vote for the future of Scotland and the United Kingdom. Given Scotland ...

Do we get a top criminal Belgian Prime Minister of the country?

Are they beginning with agreement of N-VA the knife in the backs of the people and their rights stabbing? The victim, orphaned niece of a domiciled in Belgium aunt, that until her 16th with this aunt and her Belgian husband in Sri Lanka grew up under legal guardianship, to the legal norms of Sri Lan ...

Kilka słów piwnych zapisków z USA

Nadszedł czas zakończenia mojego wypoczynku w USA, co wiąże się z kilkoma wpisami z nim związanymi, podsumowującymi niejako ten wspaniały czas. Na początek co tam ciekawego trafiło do mojej szklanki? Było tego trochę. Przedstawione w tabelce: Browar, nazwa piwa, ocena w skali 1-5, styl i stan z któr ...

Zeebrugge ready for WilForce arrival

The WilForce LNG carrier, with a capacity of 156,000 cubic meters, is scheduled to arrive at Belgium’s Zeebrugge terminal on September 24, port data reveals. The liquefied natural gas carrier will probably load in a re-export cargo and depart from the terminal on September 26. Belgium’s only LNG ter ...

IRIN Africa | Turning away the Ebola dying | Guinea | Liberia | Sierra Leone | Aid Policy | Governance | Health & Nutrition | Human Rights

Pierre Trbovic, an anthropologist from Belgium working with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) at the ELWA Ebola Treatment Centre, one of two in the capital, Monrovia, was forced to turn patients away: He had no choice - the centre was full and could not safely admit more patients. "The first person I h ...

STRATFOR, George Friedman: The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum (Bravehearts)

Оригинал взят у komi_permyak в STRATFOR, George Friedman: The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum (Bravehearts) Map. Languages and Dialects of Europe (Stratfor, 2014) Во время Войны за независимость суверенность отсоединившихся от Британской Короны Соединенных Штатов Америки была защ ...

The curious thing about Scotland

I'm confused. At least in the BBC's reporting, I see three factions in the debate on Scottish independence Scots who think they're better off independent Scots who think they should remain in the Union Outside observers — in the rest of the UK and elsewhere — who think the Union should remain So… wh ...

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