Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is the cost of living in Brussels, Belgium

What is the cost of living in Brussels, Belgium?
Can you provide me with a general list of prices (e.g. rent for a one-bedroom, furnished apartment, food, entertainment, taxes, clothing, travel, etc). Thank you all in advance.
Belgium - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Mercer yearly study will give you some info. for instance for a furnished 80 sq. meter flat you would pay 800 euros (heating expenses included). Restaurants can vary between 15 to 35 euros. Max for a movie 10 euros but if you buy a card of 5 seats it will go down to 6 euros. A public transport ride is of 1,1 euros (with A 10 ride card). Taxes are directly taken from your pay and is high. Therefore ask to the employer how much you would get, net after tax. Hope it helps!
2 :
Hello this is Turkish tanker aeroplane KC 135 .Starting refuel now. an appartement in Brussels would cost you around 500 hundred except the charges gas elec water.Snacks open all nite ,a tuff meal would cost not more than 10 euros. you d pay once a year Tax communal around 350 euros.and if you want to go shopping in the supermarket ,one week all you can eat will cost you 100 euros. a beer in the bars cost 2,50 to 4 euros. travel with the train will cost you less than a car and more comfortable than the bus.Brussels Amsterdam 27,00 euros. to buy clothes Carrefour and Cora are ordinary,if you want more go check Rue neuve(New street)Also you d find big electronic shops there to buy a brand new tele or playstation. To rent cd s you have Mediatec in Passage 44 .a lifetime membersip is 15 box if i m not wrong. a new id card would cost you around 30 euros(electronic) and 7,50 is the one for foreigners. That s all for now tanker aeroplane KC 135 is leaving good flight.
3 :
a normal one-person's flat will cost you appr. 600-700 euro a month + water & heating food is not that expensive (you can easily find cheap restaurants that offer good quality) entertainment can vary a lot, depending on what you're looking for. in clubs you can count about 20 euro entry fee, and 10 euro for a long drink. clothing is in my opinion way too expensive in brussels, you can find better places not so far from there (leuven, namur, wavre, antwerp, ghent)
4 :
Appartment 400-650 without heating, mines are about 450 Euro excl.heating & electricity. Electricity is about 25-35 Euro per month (on meter). Heating 75 Euro per month provision and 200 Euro yearly cost. Water is about 49 Euro for 3 months (it depends what you use all on meter). Food, since the Euro came in it's 3 x the price, a bread is now 1,85 Euro. Taxes a 1/3 of the montly salery. Clothing can be expensive or cheap it depends what you want. Travel look out on the internet Sunjets is sheaper then Jetair abd have the same hotels. Entertainment, well cheaper then London, but yes the shows are not de same.

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