Friday, October 1, 2010

Any pigeon sale in Belgium at the weekends

Any pigeon sale in Belgium at the weekends?
Hi buddies! I'm always thankful to yahoo answers these days. Do you know any sale market at the weekends in any part of Belgium? There are always some malls selling birds and pigeons in some areas. I need those in Belgium. Please keep me informed if you know any, especially those guys who are living in Belgium. Help me pls...
Birds - 1 Answers
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Belgium is like the QUEEN (or king? haha) of pigeon racing. Surely there are pigeon swaps and sells around, regardless of what breeds may be there. I do not live in Belgium so I can't really help there. But I do have an idea of something you can try. Ask around here and see if anyone can help. I know we have a couple members in Belgium who may be able to help. Also keep in mind breeding season isn't quite in yet. Most people start pairing up their birds in the winter/spring and begin breeding then. So there may not be a whole lot of birds out there for sale yet, but that will heat up soon, with newly weaned birds and/or older birds who have been selected to sell from the breeding program. Good luck and hope you find some birds! :) Becky Edit: Oh! I just remembered something else. I may be able to find a few people from out there to ask about birds. I'll let you know what I find out.

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