Saturday, August 14, 2010

Would it be hard to function as an American in Belgium

Would it be hard to function as an American in Belgium?
Are there many English-speakers in Belgium? Would it be hard for them to live in Belgium without learning the language? **This is not for me personally, I'm doing an essay on American migration... I'm very confused and need help :0 ALSO: It Belgium French or Italian? I must sound so stupid, I was sure it was French but my mother is insisting it is Italian
Belgium - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No it wont be hard to live in Belgium without learning the language in the beginning. But like in any country people apriciate if you try. In Belgium they speak Dutch/Vlaams (North of Belgium) and French in Wallonie (South of Belgium)
2 :
It won't be hard in the bigger cities. An english speaker won't have much trouble to find english speaking communities there. Most people are well educated and readily speak English. That is, in the northern part of the country and in the capital Brussels. Whether that is enough to "function" is another question. A lot depends on the attitude a person brings with him/her when settling in another country. Not coming off as a know-it-all let-me-tell-you-what's-wrong-in-this-country will contribute a lot to smooth integration and acceptance. From Wikipedia: Belgium's two largest regions are the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders in the north, with 59% of the population, and the French-speaking southern region of Wallonia, inhabited by 31%. The Brussels-Capital Region, officially bilingual, is a mostly French-speaking enclave within the Flemish Region and has 10% of the population. A small German-speaking Community exists in eastern Wallonia.
3 :
La mamma is totalmente correcta. We have the best pizzas in the world. In Brugge we have the gondolieres who sing O Belgica mia. Don Corleone had his offices in Bruxelles midi where he controlled all the bingo activities. Tell your mama to open an atlas or an history book.

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